PEW Blue Carbon Financing
4Climate advised the PEW Charitable Trust on potential financing options for coastal wetlands restoration and conservation in Belize and the Seychelles. We analyzed how both countries can deliver on their nationally determined contribution (NDC) commitments under the Paris Agreement covering blue carbon ecosystems from a financial perspective. Showing pathways to
Luxembourg Sovereign Sustainability Bond
Environmental Impact Management Advisory Luxembourg has issued in September 2020 an EUR 1.5 billion sovereign sustainability bond with a 12-year maturity to finance and refinance social and green projects. Sustainability Bond Framework – Luxembourg (public.lu). 4Climate has advised the Luxembourg Sovereign Sustainability Bond Committee on environmental impact methodology development, impact
Blue Bonds
Given the growing interest to use blue bonds for conservation and climate purposes, the IUCN has commissioned 4Climate, Global Ocean Trust and Silvestrum to prepare a paper that analyzes the emerging field of blue bonds. It identifies key action items necessary to scale up blue bonds so that they can
Carbon & Climate Finance Luxembourg
4Climate supported the Luxembourg Ministry for Sustainable Development as a long term strategy and policy advisor in the design and implementation of its carbon credit purchase programme for compliance with the Kyoto Protocol (2006-2015) and the EU Effort Sharing Regulation, which complements the EU Emissions Trading Scheme.
IUCN Blue Natural Capital Finance
4Climate is advising the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) through its Global Marine and Polar Programme, in the process of setting up a new facility to advance financially viable coastal climate resilience projects with clear ecosystem services benefits.
Energy Efficiency NAMA Vietnam
4Climate and Atlas Environmental Law Advisory conducted in 2014 an extensive analysis together with the Vietnamese authorities of the potential for a National Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) in Vietnam covering various sectors.
Cook Stoves
Innovative SDG results based finance for high efficient cookstoves, Laos
4Climate advised on a public sector contribution to an initiative supporting energy efficiency activities with strong sustainable development benefits in Lao PDR.